European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI)

(2014 +)

(2011 +)
Member of the Executive Board

President of the Portuguese National Committee for FEANI

Contributions and Activities at FEANI

As the President of FEANI, the largest and oldest European Federation, with members in 34 different countries representing approximately 6 million individual engineers in Europe, I have been particularly committed to achieve its strategic objectives: (i) through cooperation with industry and other stakeholders ensuring a single voice of engineers in Europe, being heard by the EU and obtaining institutional weight as a profession and an organization; (ii) pro-active involvement of policy makers increasing the impact of common statements; and (iii) promote easier participation as project partner in EU-funded projects.

Some milestones have been achieved in recent years during my two mandates, namely the establishment of the Engineers Europe Advisory Group, the construction of a European Engineering Education Database (where Higher Education Institutions and their programmes are registered), and the participation in EU-funded projects.

The Engineers Europe Advisory Group, an instrument enabling the engineering community to have a larger impact on society, is a network which consists of European employer organizations, multinational companies, universities and other European Organizations involved with the education, formation and representation of engineers. Its first and foremost objective will be to ensure a more harmonized European voice of the engineers at European and international level.

Moreover, special working groups were set up: the WG-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) focusing on the STEM competencies both in the engineering education and in the lifelong learning and competence development for engineers; and the WG-SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) whose objectives are to mobilise the National Members to embrace and support the United Nations SDG.